
Free Boiler Grants

Upgrade your in-efficient boiler with Berks Insulation under the ECO4 Scheme and say goodbye to draughty rooms and sky-high energy bills.

Check Your Eligibility

Government Boiler Grants

If you're a homeowner, private tenant or pensioner enjoying any benefits from the UK Government, you may get your old and inefficient boiler replaced under the ECO4 Scheme. Truly, the core purpose of this scheme is to ensure the enhancement of energy efficiency of households and reduce carbon emissions.
Furthermore, if you have a boiler that is older than 2005 and your household’s EPC rating is D or below D, you can get a free boiler grant. 
After qualifying, our approved boiler installer will contact you for a quick survey of your home.
 If the survey is positive, we'll install a brand-new boiler at your property. So, get rid of your old boiler today, save money and help the Earth.

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Free Boiler Grants England Scotland Wales

How to qualify for a Free Boiler Grant?

In order to apply for free boiler grants, you must be a recipient of income-related government benefits. Additionally, your gas boiler needs to be older than 2005.  

Is your EPC rating low? Secure a Free Boiler Upgrade and Reduce Your Energy Expenses!

Typically, your eligibility for a free boiler grant hinges on your EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating. If your house has an EPC rating below D, you’re fully entitled to a free boiler grant. This rating indicates your home’s energy efficiency.

Need a new boiler?

Upgrade to an A-rated boiler at no cost with the Berks insulation.
As a UK landlord, enhance your property’s value and save on energy costs.

Check your Eligibility Now

Benefits of Free Boiler Grant


Save Money. Reduce Costs

Cut energy costs—upgrade to an energy-efficient boiler and save up to £300 annually.

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Improved Efficiency

Elevate home efficiency and comfort with a modern, energy-efficient boiler.

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Green Heating Solutions

Reduce your carbon footprint with eco-friendly boilers emitting fewer greenhouse gases.

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Enhanced Comfort

Enjoy superior heating performance and precise temperature control throughout your home.

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Boosted Home Value

Increase property value and market appeal with an energy-efficient boiler, attracting potential buyers.

Why Apply for a Boiler Grant?

The expense of upgrading a gas boiler and installing specialized heat control valves typically ranges from £1,400 to £10,000. Consequently, this poses a significant financial burden for the average homeowner, pensioner, or private tenant. By securing a Boiler Grant, you gain access to financial assistance that empowers you to upgrade your heating system, improve energy efficiency, alleviate fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions. This initiative not only lowers your energy bills but also aligns with broader environmental goals, making your home more eco-friendly.

Objective of the Free Boiler Scheme

The primary goal of the UK government’s ECO4 grants, providing a free boiler scheme, is to assist low-income households, including those in rented accommodations, in improving their heating systems. The program aligns with broader objectives to promote energy efficiency, reduce energy expenses, and tackle fuel poverty.

Qualification Criteria Boiler Grants

  • Your boiler should have been manufactured in or before 2005.
  • Non-condensing boilers are eligible; condensing boilers are not replaceable.
  • There is no age restriction for eligibility.
  • Your property must be connected to the main gas supply.
  • An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) grade of D (lower), E, F or G is necessary for your property.
  • Must receive one of the certain qualifying benefits
    • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
    • Income-related Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)
    • Income Support
    • Pension Credit Guarantee
    • Credit Working Tax Credit (WTC)
    • Universal Credit (UC)
    • Child Tax Credits (CTC)
    • Child Benefit
    • Housing Benefit
    • Pension Credit Savings Credit
what is the eligibility criteria for households on universal credit benefit

Don't Let Winter Bite Your Budget – Claim Your Free Boiler Grant Today!

Calculating EPC rating

EPC Rating

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is like an energy label for your home, grading it on a scale from A (highly efficient) to G (inefficient). The lower your EPC rating, the more energy your home wastes and the higher your bills.

To qualify for a free boiler grant under ECO4, your property must have an existing EPC rating of D (lower), E, F, or G. This means homes already struggling with energy inefficiency are prioritized.

An EPC is valid for 10 years and is required whenever a property is:

  • Built
  • Sold
  • Rented

But even if you’re not selling your home, it’s worth having a look at your property’s EPC to find out what you can do to reduce your energy bills and carbon emissions.

Get a Free Boiler from Top Brands

Under ECO4 Scheme, totally new boilers of the following brands can be installed:

A Step-by-Step Process to Claim Your Free Boiler Grant

You can get a new condensing boiler by simply following the below steps:

Exclusion from the Free Boiler Grant

  • Homes with an EPC rating of A, B, or C.
  • Off-gas properties (not connected to the gas network).
  • Households not receiving qualifying means-tested benefits. (Excluded Benefits)
    • Disability Living Allowance
    • Career Allowance
    • Personal Independent Payment
    • Armed Forces Independent Payment
    • War Pensions Mobility Supplement
    • Attendance Allowance
    • Constant Attendance Allowance
    • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
    • Severe Disablement Allowance
    • State Pension

Connect with Berks Insulation

Let Berks Insulation be your bridge to a warmer future. We’re not just installing boilers; we’re building a community of energy-conscious homeowners and private tenants who embrace sustainable comfort. Join the movement and unlock your free boiler grant – the path to a cosy winter and a lighter wallet awaits.

We deal best with our customers

Our Stand Outs

  • Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way
  • No Upfront Costs, No Hidden Fees
  • Fast-Track Approval Process

Claim Your Free Boiler Grant Now

Ready to experience the Berks Insulation difference? Click here to claim your Free Boiler Grant under the ECO4 Scheme. Act now, and let the warmth begin!