
Author Archives: Chris Ramsay


How To Keep Your Home Warm In Winter

Table of Contents Winter is upon us, and as the temperatures drop, keep your home warm becomes a top priority. No one wants to shiver under layers of blankets or endure icy drafts creeping through the house. But fear not! With a

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Energy Price Cap: A Detailed Guide

Table of Contents The energy price cap, often referred to as the “tariff,” is a crucial aspect of the energy market that directly impacts consumers’ bills. The energy price cap is a regulatory measure implemented by governing bodies to protect consumers from

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How Much Space Do I Need For My Boiler?

Table of Contents Boilers, the unsung heroes of our homes, quietly keep us warm and cosy. But behind their unassuming aspect lies an important question: How much space do we need to dedicate to these vital appliances? This guide will explain all

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What is a Combi Boiler? A Complete Guide

Table of Contents A combi boiler, short for combination boiler, is a compact heating system that integrates central heating and hot water production into one single appliance. It has become a popular heating solution in many UK homes due to its high

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Flat Roof Insulation in UK Homes Explained!

Table of Contents Living under a flat roof in the UK can be testing. No doubt, it offers unique space, but it also presents thermal challenges. So winter chills seep in and summer heat gets trapped, leaving you trembling or burning up.

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How Does Cavity Wall Insulation Work?

Table of Contents Cavity wall insulation plays a key role in keeping the warm air inside and stops it from moving around the space between the walls. If you want to enjoy perfect warmth, your cavity walls must be insulated properly. Moreover,

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