
Choosing the Right Air Source Heat Pump for Your Home

air source heat pump standing outdoor

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Discover the magic of Air-Source Heat Pumps for modern homes. Recent advancements make them an amazing choice. Plus, they’re the future technology for the United Kingdom. Moreover, accessible upgrades are now possible with government grants.

What’s an Air Source Heat Pump?

Imagine a machine that can both cool you down on a hot summer day and warm you up on a freezing winter night. Sounds like magic, right? But it’s actually science. And the machine is called an air source heat pump!

Here’s the cool (or should I say warm?) thing about air source heat pumps: they don’t use magic. Rather, they use the power of the air around us!

What is an Air Source Heat Pump System and How Does It Work?

Think about your refrigerator. It uses a special liquid called refrigerant to take heat away from the inside of the fridge. It then releases it outside. In fact, an air source heat pump works in a similar way. However, instead of just cooling things down, it can also reverse the process and heat things up!

An air source heat pump system is an energy-efficient technology. It can heat and cool your home all year round. Indeed, it works by extracting heat from the outside air and transferring it to your home in the winter. Afterwards, it reverses the process to remove heat from your home and release it outside in the summer.

Furthermore, achieving up to 400% efficiency, air source heat pumps produce more energy than they consume.

Main Components of an Air Source Heat Pump System

To qualify, your home needs upgrades, like cavity wall insulation. Moreover, the scheme gives one insulation measure per home, decided through an assessment. It looks at changes to cut energy use and reduce emissions. In addition, some low-income homes may get extras like room thermostats or boiler programmers.

Here’s how it works: Eco Energy Service will pair you with an assessor. They’ll visit your property, figure out the needed measures, and get it done. All totally free. But you must own your home or get permission from your landlord. Next, this includes social housing or managed properties.

So reach out to us in the scheme, even if you don’t have any provider. Additionally, we may help you benefit.

Different Types of Heat Pumps

There are fundamentally two popular types of Heat Pumps.

Air-to-Air Heat Pumps

Air-to-air heat pumps use fans for warm air distribution. Therefore, they prioritize air circulation over water heating. Additionally, they are cost-effective when it comes to installation. However, depending on ducting needs, their cost may vary. Ultimately, they provide both heating and cooling for year-round comfort.

Air-to-Water Heat Pumps

Air-to-water heat pumps do double duty, efficiently handling both water heating and home comfort. Consequently, they simplify appliances and cut energy costs.

Essentially, Air-to-Water Heat Pumps capture outdoor air, turning it into essential water for your indoor environment. With an outdoor unit near your home and an indoor unit inside, you don’t need any separate water heating system.

Best of all, they cleverly recycle heat generated during regular heating and cooling to produce hot water. Therefore, they save lots of money on energy costs.

But that’s not all. In addition, with a one-time installation, air-to-water heat pumps significantly reduce ongoing operational and utility expenses. Furthermore, compared to traditional heating pumps and water heaters, they are more effective. Importantly, they have the ability to replace your entire central heating setup.

However, the cost of a ground source heat pump ranges from £14,500 to £45,000.

Benefits of Air Source Heat Pumps

Lower Energy Costs

Air source heat pumps emerge as a remarkably effective and highly sustainable alternative for home heating. They offer distinct advantages over traditional gas boilers or electric heating systems. Indeed, they demonstrate significantly heightened energy efficiency. Thus, they lead to remarkable reductions in utility costs.

Environmental Stewardship: Reduced Carbon Footprint

Furthermore, these pumps make a substantially significant contribution to environmental conservation. And this sets them distinctly apart from gas boilers. In fact, air source heat pumps boast a considerably smaller carbon footprint, making a major contribution to mitigating the greenhouse effect.

Financial Accessibility: 100% Free Installation

Additionally, government grants play a crucial role in making heat pumps appreciably more attainable financially, particularly for low-income families in need of cost-free grants. Undeniably, if you apply through our website, we would handle the entire process for you, from verifying your eligibility to installing a free air-to-water heat pump at your home.

Holistic Efficiency: Insulation Benefits

Government grant programs like the Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) extend far beyond installation costs. They often cover supplementary energy-saving measures like cavity wall insulation. So, apply for these grants today and maximize your home’s overall efficiency by including supplementary measures beyond just the installation of heat pumps.

Finally, if a heat pump isn’t suitable for your property, grant coverage extends to diverse and sustainable alternatives, providing homeowners with a wide range of choices.

Heat Pumps for Older Houses

A significant proportion of UK homes, exceeding 40%, were constructed before 1964. According to a survey conducted by Nesta, the majority of heat pump users express high levels of satisfaction with their systems. In Great Britain, more than 80% of households reported contentment with their heat pump systems. They cited lower energy costs and greater comfort levels compared to their other heating systems.

Installing Air Source Heat Pumps in Older Homes

  • Sizing and Equipment Selection

First,identify the heating load in your home. You can do this either through manual calculations or by monitoring the runtime of your existing heating system.

Then,consult with an HVAC professional for guidance on choosing the right size and type of heat pump for your specific needs.

  • Installation

Prior to installing the heat pump,it’s crucial to improve your home’s thermal envelope. This means sealing air leaks and adding insulation to walls, ceilings, and attics. This will make your home more energy-efficient and easier for the heat pump to heat.

Next,choose a qualified HVAC contractor to install the heat pump. They will have the expertise to ensure the system is installed correctly and operates efficiently.

Efficiency and Cost Savings in Older Homes

For homeowners looking for energy and cost efficiency, air-source heat pumps offer a superior alternative to traditional heating systems. These systems efficiently transfer heat into homes. They dramatically reduce energy consumption and yield substantial savings on your energy costs.

Additionally, heat pumps are environmentally friendly, emitting fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional systems due to their operation without fossil fuels. This makes them a sustainable choice for homeowners who want to reduce their carbon footprint.

Finally, heat pumps provide cooling in summer, ensuring year-round comfort for you and your family.

By using less energy, you’re shrinking your carbon footprint and fighting climate change, one cozy home at a time.

Air Source Heat Pumps in New Builds

Green technology is ideal for new build projects, reducing heating costs and CO2 emissions by an average of 30%. Air source heat pumps are prevalent in new buildings. They excel in properties adhering to stringent regulations and impeccably integrate with underfloor heating. In this way, they create a comfortable and efficient heating system.

Which Air Source Heat Pump is the Best?




Primary function

Air heating and cooling

Water heating and home comfort


More affordable installation

Higher initial cost

Air distribution


Fans and water circulation

Additional equipment

May require ductwork

No additional equipment needed

Year-round comfort



Energy efficiency



Installation complexity

Relatively simple

More complex

Air-to-Water Heat Pumps: Leading the Way in Milder Climates

Undeniably, in the world of air source heat pumps, air-to-water heat pumps hold the leading position, especially in milder climates. Their performance is optimal within a temperature range of -20°C to 20°C, reaching peak efficiency at around 7°C. However, when faced with extremely cold winters, ground source heat pumps become a more suitable option.

Gaining immense popularity in the UK due to their eco-friendly and cost-effective heating solutions, air-to-water heat pumps harness the power of ambient air. This makes them an ideal choice for homeowners who prioritize environmental consciousness. With the ambitious UK government goal of installing 600,000 heat pumps annually by 2028, the future of air-to-water heating is undeniably bright.

Air Source Heat Pump Grants

Exciting news for fans of air-to-water heat pumps: the UK government is strongly supporting installations, having generously raised the grant from £5,000 to a substantial £7,500 in 2023. This represents a game-changer for cost-cutting and the creation of greener homes, especially for those without access to gas facilities.

This generous grant paves the way for a cozier and more energy-efficient home, a crucial step in today’s climate of rising energy costs and environmental concerns. As a key player in this movement, the Air Source Heat Pump Grant is rapidly gaining increased prominence.


Air source heat pumps offer a compelling solution for achieving comfortable and energy-efficient homes. Whether you prioritize reducing your carbon footprint, lowering energy bills, or maximizing space, these versatile systems deliver significant benefits. With government grants and technological advancements, air source heat pumps are poised to become the future of home heating.

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