
How do I apply for (GBIS) The Great British Insulation Scheme?


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Background of the Great British Insulation Scheme

Since 2021, owing to global shortages, the prices of oil, gas, and electricity have surged. As a result, millions of UK households have been pushed into fuel poverty. According to National Energy Action, as of April 2022, around 6.7 million UK households were grappling with fuel poverty. This figure represents a surge of over 50% in just six months amid the cost-of-living crisis. In response to this crisis, the UK government is actively developing plans for a new supplier obligation. So it has taken the initiative of the Great British Insulation Scheme.

The Great British Insulation Scheme was formerly called ECO+.It aims to make homes more energy-efficient. The UK Government is doing this to help people save money on energy bills and make homes warmer. Moreover, its target is to achieve the Net Zero goal. For the same reason, it uses less harmful energy. Without a doubt, the scheme is crucial for both people and the country. The Scheme zeroes in on the worst-performing homes.

What’s the Great British Insulation Scheme?

The Great British Insulation Scheme helps make homes save energy. It gives support, like insulation, to homes that qualify. So far two groups can get help. One for all homes and another for those with low income.

Now, to get into details. It looks at how energy-efficient a home is using SAP bands. These bands decide what kind of help a home can get. The goal is to help all kinds of homes simply save energy. With its clear eligibility criteria and commitment to diverse housing types, the Great British Insulation Scheme strives to make a meaningful impact on energy conservation across the country.

Great British Insulation Scheme Start Date and Benefits

The Great British Insulation Scheme was announced in March 2023. It’s a £1 billion scheme that will be supporting 300,000 households till March 2026. The government through GBIS aids people in insulating homes. It is boosting energy efficiency, and cutting energy bills.

Unlike ECO4’s ‘whole house’ approach, GBIS mostly provides single insulation measures. Moreover, GBIS complements the ECO4 scheme, offering additional support. In essence, it’s a practical solution for energy-conscious households.

Well, there are various benefits of this scheme. These include cutting long-term energy bills and enhancing energy system security. Plus making homes warm and safe. No doubt, the scheme aims to improve energy efficiency in Great Britain throughout the next two years. Moreover, it targets low-income households facing fuel poverty. This ensures as many homes as possible get energy-saving upgrades.

What Groups Are Included in GBIS?

The Great British Insulation Scheme is more inclusive than ECO4. It has two groups. The first is for low-income households. These have SAP-rated properties D, E, F, and G. The second is a general eligibility group. This covers all homes in Council Tax bands A-D in England and A-E in Scotland and Wales, with a SAP rating of D, E, F, and G.

So this means more homes can get energy-saving measures. Both the general and low-income groups are divided based on whether homes are owned or rented.  The low-income group also considers social housing. This decides which measures a household qualifies for.

SAP stands for “Standard Assessment Procedure.” It rates how energy-efficient homes are. The Great British Insulation Scheme uses SAP ratings to identify homes eligible for insulation.

Eligibility for General and Low-income Group

In the general group, homeowners may need to share costs for pricier measures. Additionally, the scheme targets inefficient homes and those in lower tax bands.

In the General eligibility group of the Private Rented Sector, higher-cost measures qualify for GBIS. However, properties in the privately rented sector in this group can’t get loft or cavity wall insulation. They can choose other insulation measures like solid wall insulation, etc.

In the PRS Low-income group, all insulation measures are approved. Except for secondary heating controls. What’s more, all eligible social housing falls under the low-income group. They do not fall under the general group. Next, suppliers are also required to secure the landlord’s permission to deliver an insulation measure in a PRS property. This ensures clarity and legality in the process.

For E, F, and G-rated social housing, all insulation measures are available. And they include cavity wall, solid wall, lofts, pitched roofs, underfloors, solid floors, park homes, room-in-roof insulation, and Innovation Measures (IMs).

However, for D-rated social housing, only IMs that aren’t heating control measures are limited in delivery. This ensures that the scheme covers a range of social housing needs.

Government Benefits that May Qualify for GBIS

Households falling in the low-income group may apply for the Scheme if they enjoy:

  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support (IS)
  • Pension Credit Guarantee Credit (PCGC)
  • Working Tax Credit (WTC)
  • Child Tax Credit (CTC)
  • Universal Credit (UC)
  • Housing Benefit
  • Pension Credit Savings Credit (PCSC)
  • Child Benefit (with income caps and composition considerations).

These benefits ensure a broad range of households can qualify for the scheme, supporting those in need.

Household Income Criteria for GBIS

Without a doubt, when applying for GBIS, household income matters for eligibility. So if your gross annual income is less than £31,000, you’re eligible. Also, your pre-installation SAP band must be D-G for owned and rented homes. Further, this income cap applies to all property sizes, types, and regions. It covers all income sources, including benefits—both means-tested and non-means-tested.

If you want to get help through Proxy Targeting, just check if you meet two things from a list. Also, make sure your home’s rating is E-G if you own it. Or E (including F and G if it doesn’t have to follow certain rules) if you rent it. This way, you can see if you can get special help from GBIS for your home.

Who is eligible to apply for the Great British Insulation Scheme, and what is the application process?

re you wondering if your home can join the Great British Insulation Scheme? Well, first, check if it needs energy upgrades like cavity wall insulation. The scheme offers one upgrade per home, chosen through a retrofit assessment. Second, this examines changes that can reduce energy use and carbon emissions. Furthermore, the low-income group may also get secondary measures such as room thermostats or boiler programmers. 

Here’s how it works: We’ll pair you with our professional and experienced assessor. They’ll visit your home and figure out the right upgrade. So you can join if you own your home or have your landlord’s permission, even if it’s social housing.

Moving on to the second part of the question, let’s explore the application process for GBIS. As a matter of fact, the scheme focuses on two main groups:

Individuals residing in homes with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D-G. They should fall within council tax bands A-D in England and A-E in Scotland and Wales. Also, householders receive qualifying benefits and reside in homes with an EPC rating of D or below. Well, to determine eligibility, you can check your council tax band and the EPC rating of your home. This will help you understand if you might qualify for the scheme.

What Types of Insulation Can I Get Under the Gritish British Insulation Scheme?

Wondering about insulation under the scheme? Both general and low-income groups can get these types:

Cavity Wall Insulation (including party wall)

Cavity wall insulation fills the gaps between the inner and outer walls of your home. This helps to keep warmth inside, making your home cosier. What’s more, it includes insulating shared walls, like party walls, to ensure overall comfort.

Loft Insulation

Loft insulation is about adding a material layer to your loft space. Without reservation, this material prevents heat from escaping through the roof. As a result, it makes your home warmer and reduces the need for extra heating.

Solid Wall Insulation

Solid wall insulation adds a layer of insulating material to the outside or inside walls. Without a doubt, this helps to keep the warmth in. It makes your home more energy-efficient and comfortable.

Pitched Roof Insulation

Pitched roof insulation focuses on adding a layer of material to the inside or outside of your roof. Moreover, this prevents heat from escaping, making your home more comfortable and energy-efficient.

Flat Roof Insulation

Flat roof insulation means adding insulation material to your flat roof. Accordingly, it works by stopping heat from slipping away.

Under-Floor Insulation

Under-floor insulation is about adding insulating material beneath your floors. So this stops heat from disappearing.

Solid Floor Insulation

olid floor insulation involves a layer of insulating material on your home floors.  It also prevents heat loss and makes your home more energy-efficient.

Park Home Insulation

Insulating park homes includes adding insulation to the walls and roofs. Furthermore, this helps to keep the heat inside. On top of that, it may involve energy-efficient windows and doors.


Room-in-roof insulation focuses on adding insulation to the space within your roof. As a result, this prevents heat loss and ensures that the rooms under the roof stay warm and comfortable.

Can I Qualify For the Great British Insulation Scheme?

That’s possible if your household earns under £31,000 yearly.  Or if someone has a health condition affected by living in a cold home. Conditions include cardiovascular issues, respiratory diseases, limited mobility, or immunosuppression. Additionally, local authorities use various criteria to spot eligible households. And this criteria includes low-income and vulnerable ones. Check with your local authority to see if they take part and if you might qualify.

Moreover, some suppliers can refer to struggling households with fuel debt. This in fact falls under the scheme. If your local authority is involved, they’ll for sure refer to GBIS. Following this, an assessor checks your home to decide the suitable measures. However, you should note that eligibility doesn’t guarantee installation. It depends on suppliers’ or installers’ decisions.

How Much Can I Save on Heating Bills with the Great British Insulation Scheme?

With the Great British Insulation Scheme you can save:

  • Loft insulation, costing up to £1,100, can save up to £640 annually.
  • Cavity wall insulation, with a cost of up to £2,500, can yield annual savings of up to £525.
  • Smart heating controls and thermostatic valves, priced around £800. So they can result in savings of up to £525 per year.
  • Moreover, the government is anticipated to cover up to 75% of the installation costs in each case.

Does the Great British Insulation Scheme Cover Complete or Partial Expenses?

The former name of GBIS is ECO Plus Grants. However, now it’s called the Great British Insulation Scheme. It covers England, Wales, and Scotland. While England and Wales have nearly full coverage, access in Scotland may be limited. If Berks Insulation doesn’t cover your area, contact your electricity supplier.  They might suggest another company.

Moreover, grants from the Great British Insulation Scheme can cover loft insulation fully. But for cavity wall insulation, full coverage isn’t guaranteed. So homeowners might need to contribute. Note the difference in funding for these insulations. Also, you can only choose one insulation measure.

How is this scheme different from ECO4?

The Great British Insulation Scheme complements ECO4. But it takes a different approach. Unlike ECO4’s whole-house method, it mainly concentrates on providing individual, lower-cost insulation measures.  This ensures quick support for as many households as possible. What’s more, opting for TrustMark is critically important in GBIS. It is a government-backed quality scheme that protects consumers during home-related work. 

It provides a high level of assurance to those opting for home improvements. So under the Great British Insulation Scheme, all installers must have a TrustMark registration number. If an installer contacts you, make sure to ask for their registration credentials. You can verify these on the TrustMark website to ensure credibility and quality.


To cut the long story short, the Great British Insulation Scheme stands as a key initiative. It offers a pathway to enhanced energy efficiency. Moreover, it increases comfort for households. The scheme aims to insulate as many homes as possible. It is trying to meet the government’s Net Zero target. All types of insulation are included like loft and cavity walls, etc. Furthermore, eligibility criteria depend on several factors.

Hence, every household can apply for one insulation measure at a time. It all depends on which eligibility group they fall in. So don’t miss the chance to make your home warmer, and aligned with environmental goals.

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