
New UK Government Scheme: Snug Your Home for Free in 2024

great british insulation scheme

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People in Great Britain who own or privately rent homes in 2024 have a great chance to make them warmer and use less energy—for free! People can save money on their energy bills and make their homes better through the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS).

There are different types of insulation, how much they cost, who can get them for free, and how to apply. This blog will tell you everything you need to know about the GBIS. Let’s get started and learn how to keep your home warm for free in 2024!

Understanding the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS)

We should first talk about what the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS) is before getting into the specifics.

The Purpose of GBIS

There is a clear goal behind the creation of the GBIS: to make homes in Great Britain more energy efficient, fight fuel poverty, and use less energy. The program’s goal is to make homes cheaper to heat by increasing insulation levels. This is especially important for low-income families who are already having a hard time paying their high heating bills. The GBIS also helps the country reach its larger goal of lowering carbon pollution and encouraging the use of clean energy.

Steps that save energy are given the most attention in the plan, with a focus on making buildings owned by social housing providers better insulated. It helps people who are low on fuel by insulating homes for free for those who qualify. GBIS wants to get people to use less energy in their homes so that they can live in a more comfortable place and save money on their energy bills. The scheme also works with different kinds of homes to make sure that all eligible families can get tips on how to save energy.

Key Features of Free Home Insulation Scheme

  • Free insulation measures will make homes in Great Britain more energy efficient and lower heating bills for those who qualify.
  • Pay attention to giving insulation steps to help houses use less energy.
  • As part of the eco4 plan, this is meant to encourage steps that save energy and lower carbon pollution.
  • There are different kinds of help available for insulation measures, so families can pick the ones that work best for them.

The Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS) gives free insulation to homes across Great Britain that are qualified. This helps people who are having trouble paying their heating bills. As a part of the eco4 plan, it prioritises insulation steps to make homes more energy efficient and lower their energy bills.

The plan offers different levels of help and includes things like heating settings, roof insulation, and more. These things improve a home’s EPC rating and lower the need for a home discount payment. GBIS stands out as an important programme that helps qualified families take steps to save energy.

Who can Benefit from the Insulation Scheme?

Now that we know what the GBIS is for, let’s look at who can gain from this great way to keep heat in.

Eligibility Criteria for Private Tenants and Homeowners

A lot of different types of households can get insulation help from the GBIS. This includes both private renters and homeowners. Who is eligible depends on their council tax band, which ranges from A to D. Basically, this means that homes in these bands can get free insulation upgrades to make their homes more energy efficient.

Homeowners and private renters can also ask for insulation measures, as long as they meet certain requirements. The programme is especially for people whose homes aren’t very energy-efficient. This way, the people who would gain the most from better insulation can use the programme.

The energy performance certificate (EPC) number is also taken into account as part of the qualifying requirements. This makes sure that homes that aren’t very good at saving energy can still get free insulation.

Insulation Options under GBIS

Now that we know who can get help from the GBIS, let’s look at the different types of insulation that are offered through this programme.

Types of Insulation Available

Under the GBIS, there are different types of insulation methods that can be used to make houses more energy efficient and stop heat loss. These choices for protection are:

  • Cavity wall insulation: It is putting insulation material between the inside and outside walls of a building. It keeps heat inside and makes the building more energy efficient.
  • Loft insulation: The home will use less energy if the loft is insulated. Insulating the loft can help keep heat in and cut down on heat loss through the roof.
  • Solid wall insulation: This type of insulation is best for homes that don’t have a hollow. It is added to either the inside or outside walls to keep heat in and make the home more energy efficient.

Homes that qualify can get these insulation steps for free, which help save energy, lower heating bills, and lower carbon emissions. They are very important for making homes warmer and better for the environment.

Why Insulation is Important for Energy Efficiency

Insulation is a key part of making homes and apartments more energy efficient and lowering heating bills for both homeowners and renters. Insulation that works well keeps homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer by reducing the amount of heat coming out and in respectively. By increasing the amount of insulation in a home, people can save a lot of energy, which means lower energy prices and less energy use.

The GBIS knows how important insulation is for saving energy, so they give needy families free insulation measures. The plan aims to make homes more energy-efficient by improving insulation. This will cut down on wasted energy and carbon pollution. It fits with the larger goals of saving energy in Great Britain and helps make the future healthier and more stable for everyone.

Financial Aspects of GBIS

Let’s talk about how the Great British Insulation Scheme will be paid for now.

Cost Savings from the Free Home Insulation Scheme

With the right insulation, you can save a lot on your heating bills. By adding more insulation, homes can become more energy efficient, which means they use less energy and have lower energy bills. The GBIS wants to help needy families and properties owned by social housing providers save money on their energy bills. This will make paying high energy costs easier to handle.

The carbon footprint and your heating bills will both go down when you add insulation. This is good for the environment and your wallet. Along with steps to save energy, the free home insulation scheme promotes green living and helps make the world a safer place for everyone. By giving different amounts of help, the GBIS makes sure that all kinds of families can get insulation for less money and lower their energy costs.

Fund Sources for the GBIS

The Eco4 plan and energy companies are two of the fund sources that make the Great British Insulation plan possible. Energy companies back the plan because they want to encourage people to use less energy and cut down on carbon emissions.

Some homes in Great Britain can get free insulation thanks to this partnership. This will save them money on their heating bills and make their homes more energy efficient.

The Great British Insulation Scheme is a way to make homes warmer by giving people extra money to make changes. Its goal is to get people to save energy. All of these funding sources work together to make a big plan that helps people with low incomes get fuel, saves energy, and generally makes homes across the country more energy efficient. That way, the plan can reach more people and help as many good families as possible, energy companies will help in different ways.

Application Process for GBIS

Let’s talk about how to apply for the Great British Insulation Scheme now that we’ve talked about money.

Step-by-step Application Guide

Going through the GBIS to get free insulation measures is a simple process. Here’s a list of steps to help you:

  • Check to see if you qualify by going to our website.
  • Get ready to get a call from our expert to set up a time to inspect your home for insulation steps.
  • During the review, talk about the different types of insulation that would work best for your home, such as solid wall insulation, hollow wall insulation, and loft insulation.
  • After the inspection, the surveyor will analyse every part of your home where insulation is unavoidable. 
  • The provider will set up a date for the insulation change to be done if you decide to go ahead with it.

Required Documentation for Application

You’ll need to make sure you have the right paperwork in order to apply for insulation steps through the GBIS. Among these are:

  • Council tax band and Starting SAP band information is needed to find out if someone is eligible for free insulation steps.
  • There is a number on your energy performance certificate (EPC) that tells you how energy-efficient your home is.
  • Any other paperwork that is relevant to the insulation measure you want, like proof of success for work that has already been done on insulation.
  • They will help the process go more quickly and make sure that everything goes well for everyone when you ask for free insulation. Have all the paperwork ready ahead of time to speed up the application process and take a step towards a more energy-efficient home.

Addressing Concerns about GBIS

Now, let’s talk about some of the most common worries people have about the Great British Insulation Scheme.

What If I'm not happy with the Installation?

For those who are unhappy with the insulation work done on their homes, there is help available to address their issues. It is important to the GBIS that customers are happy, and if there are any problems with the insulation, they will be fixed.

Once someone makes a report, the software will be looked at to find and fix any problems. With the help of energy-saving measures, the plan aims to provide the best protection, so any complaints will be taken care of right away.

The person who instals your insulation and the person who provides your stove will work together to make sure that your home meets your energy performance standards. This will give you a better, more energy-efficient place to live.

How to Make a Complaint

To make a report about insulation measures, you have to follow a set of steps that will make sure the problem is fixed. The GBIS has an easy-to-find and understand feedback process that is meant to handle complaints quickly and clearly.

Following the steps given will help you get in touch with our customer service staff and make a complaint. Customer service reps are trained to deal with issues and will help you through the process while trying to find a solution.

The plan shows its dedication to quality and customer happiness by offering a thorough feedback process. This makes sure that any concerns or problems with insulation measures are dealt with quickly, giving you peace of mind.

Beyond the GBIS

How Does the GBIS Tie into the Broader Picture of UK’s Energy Conservation Goals?

The GBIS is some of the things the UK wants to do to save energy. The plan is in line with the country’s resolve to lower carbon emissions and use sustainable energy by trying to boost energy efficiency, help people who don’t have access to fuel, and lower energy use.

By adding more insulation to their homes, people help lower carbon pollution and energy use, which is good for the climate and their energy bills. As a way to fight fuel poverty and heat loss, the GBIS helps needy families, social housing providers, and other people in need. Homes that take advantage of the scheme’s insulation steps help make the UK cleaner and more energy-efficient in the future.


Finally, the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS) is a great way for homeowners, private renters, and households to make their houses more energy efficient and save money on their energy bills. In 2024, it has never been easier to insulate your home for free, since there are many choices and the plan will help pay for them.

On the other hand, there are steps you can take if you have any worries or are not happy with the process. To help the UK reach its larger energy-saving goals, it’s also worth looking into energy-saving programmes besides GBIS. Use this programme to make your home more comfy and eco-friendly while also lowering your carbon footprint.

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