
What is the Great British Insulation Scheme?

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Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS) works with ECO4, but it’s different. Instead of fixing the whole house, it focuses on one insulation thing at a time. Plus, it helps families with less money and those who need extra care. It’s also for homes with a D-G rating on the Energy Performance Certificate.

And here’s the big news: it’s for homes in Council Tax bands A-D in England and A-E in Scotland and Wales. How does it work? Big energy companies like Berks Insulation have to do things to make sure we use less energy. This plan in fact is set to run from around April 2023 to March 2026.

What’s the Purpose of the Great British Insulation Scheme?

Well, to ease high energy bills for UK families, the government grants for insulation provide the best support. It is a £1 billion effort to help over 300,000 households. Launched on September 14th, 2023, the initiative aims to reach out to families struggling the most for affordable heating and better energy efficiency in their homes.

In simpler terms, the government is rolling out this scheme to look out for families facing high bills. So this plan is lending a hand to those who need help the most.

Benefits of the Great British Insulation Scheme

First, this scheme helps families in lower tax bands with less efficient homes. Second, they get important upgrades like insulation for the roof, loft, or walls. The result? Their yearly energy bills might drop by around £300 to £400. What’s more, t’s not just about money. But it’s making sure families stay warm in colder months. On top of that, unlike other government programs, this one helps a wider range of families. These also include those in bands A-D in England and A-E in Scotland and Wales. So your home qualifies if its Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating is D or below.

How to Qualify for the Great British Insulation Scheme?

To qualify, your home needs upgrades, like cavity wall insulation. Moreover, the scheme gives one insulation measure per home, decided through an assessment. It looks at changes to cut energy use and reduce emissions. In addition, some low-income homes may get extras like room thermostats or boiler programmers.

Here’s how it works: Eco Energy Service will pair you with an assessor. They’ll visit your property, figure out the needed measures, and get it done. All totally free. But you must own your home or get permission from your landlord. Next, this includes social housing or managed properties.

So reach out to us in the scheme, even if you don’t have any provider. Additionally, we may help you benefit.

What is GBIS Eligibility Criteria?

Wondering who qualifies for the Great British Insulation Scheme? Well, there are two groups: the general and the low-income eligibility group. They receive different levels of support.

General Group

For the general group, you need to live in Council Tax bands A-D in England or A-E in Scotland or Wales. Your home’s EPC rating should be D or below. Hence, if you meet these criteria, you might receive a single insulation measure.

Low-income Group

Now, for the low-income group, you should be receiving means-tested benefits, and your EPC rating must be D or below. If you qualify, you might get a single insulation measure.

Now, for the general group, you need to live in Council Tax bands A-D in England or A-E in Scotland or Wales. Moreover, your home’s EPC rating should be D or below. So if you meet the criteria, you might receive a single insulation measure.  

Will installing an energy-efficient measure cost money?

Without any doubt, homes having EPC ratings of F and G in the private rented sector, are not eligible for any types of insulation measures. Nevertheless, if your home has an EPC rating of D or E, you may qualify for insulation measures. But heating control measures are not included in it.

Still wondering about the energy-efficiency measures? Learn more about EPC Rating and its Benefits

the funding level depends on the measure type and other factors. You might need to chip in for the installation. Remember, this scheme isn’t a grant, so different companies offer different support levels.

Online Eligibility Checker

We’ve developed an effective online tool, where you can check your eligibility for the GBIS grant. Simply answer a few questions, including your postcode, and find out if you qualify for this energy-saving opportunity.

Berks Insulation doesn’t talk about how much you’ll contribute. We only provide hundred percent free insulation and do quality work. Your satisfaction is our top priority. So contact us today for the best deal with all the details. Find out what’s not included to avoid surprises.

Which kinds of insulation may I install as part of the program?

Curious about insulation options under the scheme? Well, both general and low-income groups can apply for the following insulation measures:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

  • Cavity wall (including party wall)
  • Loft
  • Solid wall
  • Pitched roof
  • Flat roof
  • Under-floor
  • Solid floor
  • Park home
  • Room-in-roof

Get Free Loft Insulation Today

Loft insulation is like a cozy blanket for your roof. It’s a layer of material (think fluffy rolls or clever boards) that traps precious heat inside your home. Moreover, it stops heat from escaping through your attic like a runaway train.

Imagine your roof as a leaky sieve. Without insulation, it’s letting all your warmth vanish into the thin air. Loft insulation plugs those holes, keeping the good heat snuggled safely inside. It, no doubt, is like wearing a thick jumper for your house, making it toasty and energy-efficient.

Benefits of Loft Insulation

And the benefits of loft insulation are unlimited just like snowflakes in a blizzard!

It is time to reduce energy bills:

By keeping the heat in, you use less energy to stay warm, meaning those pesky bills shrink like a snowman in the sunshine.

Goodbye to drafty chills:

No more battling icy winds sneaking through cracks! Loft insulation seals the deal, creating a haven of warmth and comfort.

Greener Future:

By using less energy, you’re shrinking your carbon footprint and fighting climate change, one cozy home at a time.

Boosts your home's value:

A warm, energy-efficient home is a desirable one, potentially adding value to your property when it comes time to sell.


And the best part You could get it all for FREE! Yep, you read that right. Thanks to the amazing Berks Insulation, you can get top-notch loft insulation installed in your home at absolutely no cost if you meet certain criteria (like receiving certain benefits or living in a low-income household).

So don’t let another winter leave you shivering – embrace the magic of loft insulation! Contact Berks Insulation today and see if you qualify for this incredible, life-changing (and wallet-warming) free service. Remember, a warm home doesn’t have to be a dream – it can be your cozy reality!

So, what are you waiting for? Give your roof a warm hug with loft insulation and let the savings (and comfort) begin! Just enter your postcode here and get free loft insulation in no time.

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Simply enter your postal code and answer a few questions, we’ll handle the rest!

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