
How to Apply for an Insulation Grant?

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Are you a homeowner in the UK trying to reduce your heating expenses and improve the energy efficiency of your house? It’s possible that you qualify for a grant for insulation. You can get these grants to help for insulating your walls, which will make your house warmer and use less energy. 

A home that is comfortable, energy-efficient, and healthy must have enough insulation. Even so, a lot of homes don’t have enough insulation, and the people who live there don’t know how much of an effect this can have on their lives. We’ve told you everything you need to know about insulation to understand what it is and how it can help your house.

In this detailed guide, we’ll show you how to apply for an insulation grant, talk about the requirements you need to meet, and talk about the benefits of making your home more energy efficient.

What is Insulation?

One type of building material that reduces heat and sound transfer between spaces is insulation. Insulation keeps heat out of your house in the winter and keeps it warm in the summer. This keeps your house calm and pleasant while lowering your energy costs.

However, some insulation grants are available from the government to easy access to people who are seeking for warm home. These grants are mentioned below:

Cavity Wall Insulation Grants

Houses built before 1926, the walls were usually solid and could not be insulated. The Building Regulations said that homes made after January 1, 1983, had to have cavity walls that were insulated. Most likely, your house would not have cavity wall insulation if it had been built between 1926 and 1983 and had hollow walls on the outside.

It means that walls that aren’t insulated may let up to 35% of the heat you escape.

They say you can save up to £275 a year if you get free cavity wall insulation for your four-bedroom house with gas central heating. You can save even more money if you switch from heating systems that use coal, oil, or LPG to ones that use low-carbon sources like heat pumps.

If the job wasn’t done right the first time and the insulation isn’t working right, it may be possible to remove it and put it back in. Read more about how other insulation helps the house to stay warm.

Loft Insulation Grants

Mineral wool can help keep most of your home’s heat inside. The roof can let up to a quarter of that heat escape.

If you insulate your loft, attic, or flat roof well, your energy prices will go down. A loft insulation grant is offered to people who can’t afford it.

However, a family must meet certain conditions to be able to get these grants through the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme.

A study will be needed because some homes aren’t good candidates for loft insulation.

Through the ECO4 scheme, you can get free insulation for your loft. A grant for insulation is a support from the government to put the insulation in for you.

Loft Insulation Under ECO4 Grants

Keep your home warm and energy-efficient by installing high-quality loft insulation.

Check your Eligibility Now

Solid Wall Insulation Grant

A building’s solid outside walls can be sealed on the inside (internal wall insulation) or the outside (external wall insulation).

If your external wall is made of brick or stone, you can be eligible for a grant for solid wall insulation. Because a solid wall doesn’t keep heat in, twice as much heat escapes as through a cavity wall with insulation. This means that their insulation meets the criteria for energy efficiency improvements set out by the UK government in the Carbon Saving Obligation document.

Most houses built before 1930 have solid walls, which are great for keeping the outside of the house warm.

A high-density insulating material can usually cover either the inside or the outside of a solid wall.

One technique to add internal wall insulation to your home is to place solid insulation on the inside of the exterior walls.  You could also build hollow walls and fill them with mineral wool fibre to keep the heat in.

Through ECO4 grants, you can apply for a Solid Wall Insulation Grant to help you insulate your home from the inside and the outside. The placement of solid wall insulation on the outside and inside will be completely free for the homeowners, as the government and energy companies will support for it.

External Wall Insulation Grant

Applying for an external insulation grant can insulate a building’s outside walls. This will help keep heat in and make the building more energy efficient.

After that, a unique finishing or coating is applied to the outside of the building. A wall’s surface can be painted, tiled, boarded, pebble-dash, or finished with brick slips. It may also have a texture or be smooth.

Internal Wall Insulation grant

Using hard boards to insulate your outside walls from the inside is known as an internal wall insulation grant. Additionally, glass fibre insulation and foam can be used to build the wall. You may apply the insulation material directly to the wall or put it inside a wooden box that has already been filled with insulation material.

How does Insulation Work in a House?

Insulation is a material that stops heat from moving and keeps your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Heat is thermal energy, moving quickly from warmer to cooler places until the temperature is the same everywhere. If your home doesn’t have enough insulation, heat from outside will move inside when it’s cooler inside. The heat within will leave when it’s cold outside, and your home is warm.

Heat flow involves three basic pathways:

Conduction: Heat that moves through materials. You can see this when you put your hand on the tip of a spoon in a hot cup of coffee. The warmth from the coffee moves to your hand.

Convection: Heat that circulates through liquids and gases. For this reason, cooler, denser air sinks while warmer, lighter air rises.

Radiation: Heat that is radiated moves in a straight line and warms up anything solid that it touches.

It is slower for conductive or convective heat to move through most types of insulation. This is different from radiant barriers and reflective insulation, which slow down the rise of heat that is passed.

How to Apply for an Insulation Grant

how to apply for insualtion grant

Step 1: Assess Your Eligibility

Check the insulation provider sites to see if you can get a grant to insulate your loft. Based on your income, benefits, and home insulation, this short test will help you figure out if you are eligible.

Step 2: Gather Required Documents

Prepare the necessary documentation:

  • Identification and/or tenancy agreement proof of residence ownership.
  • Proof of income or benefits received.
  • Energy bills (optional but helpful).

Step 3: Apply Online

Submit your application through the berks insulation grant application page. You will be guided through every step of the application form, which is easy to use.

  • Enter your postal code.
  • Mark the checkbox if you’re a benefit recipient.
  • Select your benefit, then press next.
  • Verify the insulation you require, then click the next button.
  • After that, check if you’re a homeowner or a private tenant.
  • Also, check how you keep your house warm. After entering, the screen will navigate to whether you have a boiler system in your house. Enter the number of bedrooms in your property and press next.

The screen shows, “Congratulations, you’re eligible for the eco4 grant.” It then asks for some of your personal information for records.

Step 4: Home Assessment

A trained surveyor will set up a time to come to your house to determine how much insulation it needs after berks insulation looks over your application. This evaluation is essential to determine the exact requirements for your insulation.

Step 5: Installation

After receiving approval, professional installers will do the loft insulation job. Berks insulation ensures the process goes smoothly by using good materials and following all safety rules.


These grants are for households in the UK who want to make their homes more energy efficient and save money on their heating bills. Carefully read this guide so that you can easily know how to Apply for an Insulation Grant. Many grants can help you save energy and make your home greener. These grants aim to insulate your walls and fix your boiler.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, if you fulfil the requirements for each grant, you can apply for more than one.

The amount of time can vary, but it usually takes a few weeks from when the application is sent to when it is installed.

The installation process usually doesn’t take long and doesn’t get in the way of your daily life too much.

Get Your ECO4 Grant

Simply enter your postal code and answer a few questions, we’ll handle the rest!

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